Affiliate Registration

Have you ever wanted to be in a job where you get to make as much as you want? Maybe you just need extra money and want to work a little extra with a product you love and know that works!

The Walkin Motion Affiliate System lets you do just that. With the power of a trusted brand that is firmly established and respected in the industry, you can begin collecting commissions on orders in a matter of minutes! Watch the video to learn more:

In literally a few clicks, you get:

  • 40% commission on internet sales
  • 250 custom business cards
  • 25 pairs of Walkin Motion insoles **
  • Low affiliate re-order price of $9.95/pair **


All of this for the cost of $499.95.

Take advantage of this introductory offer price and get started making money now! The registration form below takes only a minute to complete.

Want to learn more before you begin? Click here for a video tutorial on our system.

Affiliate Registration Form

Step 1 of 2

Enter your email address. This will be used for your affiliate account.