
Commander of Veterans Organization
“As a Commander of this Veterans Organization, I know about the product called Walkin Motion, which is a shoe insert that really works for anyone who has feet and back problems. I tried it for just three weeks and within those three weeks all of my leg and feet problems just vanished.
I can now walk like a normal person and get much better sleep because of Walkin Motion. I have Dave the bearer of this letter present it to the members of our VFW Post 2976 and its Ladies Auxiliary, many of them bought the Walkin Motion and after six weeks they all have reported great results from Walkin Motion.
I know Dave will be able to help many of our fellow Veterans with a life free of leg and back pain.”
Bill Richey,
Commander, VFW Post 2976
“The man was very professional & knowledgeable. I bought for myself & a friend. And when I got home I bought 3 more pair! I will be telling my friends about this product.i even put these in my Ecco shoes which are pretty comfy to begin with.
Might I suggest more advertising, I almost walked on by as I thought these were the good feet arch support which in my view are an expensive scam. They do nothing for my problem which is the loss of fat on the soles of my feet. Needless to say I am quite happy with my purchase!”
Square Customer (in-person purchase)
“My son just received his insoles today. He put them in his shoes, walked around and said, I have never had any insoles to feel this good. I put his shoes on and walked around the house and OMG I must agree they are the most amazing insoles I have Ever worn. I am 70 years young and my feet never felt so good.
I hope to order a pair soon for myself.
I posted on my Facebook page just how fantastic these insoles are.
I just wanted to share with you and Thank You for a GREAT product.”
Betty N
Camden, TN
“Knee pain is virtually alleviated, and I can stay on my feet 3x longer.
The cushioning makes it feel better when walking on concrete.
The fit inside my shoes is one of their best features, sometimes,
I forget they are even in my shoes.
They are the most effective, comfortable insert I have ever purchased and in 40 years I have purchased a lot of different types (even had custom made) .
As long as you keep producing them, I will continue to purchase.”
Lynn D
Gretna, Louisiana
“I have flat feet and Plantar Fasciitis and must wear special lifts in my shoes. I work on concrete most of the day. I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your product. My burning, tingling pain has been reduced so much, I can actually get more work done and I no longer dread walking around. Thank you again.”
Glenna M
“I am a nurse aide, on my feet all day and have arthritis in my hips and feet. Walkin Motion have been a God sent. My feet don’t hurt as much and it has helped my back. I couldn’t do without Walkin Motion now. I love them. They really work.”
Sharon A.
“I just wanted to write to tell you how pleased I am with my Walkin Motion insoles. I immediately felt a relief of pressure in my lower back. More importantly, I have Type II diabetes and had suffered from leg and foot cramps for several months prior to purchasing your product. I am happy to report that I have not had a single cramp since using your insoles.
After work, I no longer have red toes and my feet don’t feel as hot. I am completely sold on your wonderful product and I have told several other people with diabetes and otherfoot/leg circulation problems. Thanks so much!”
I have been singing the praises of my Walkin Motion to all who will listen. I am ever grateful for your product.”
Harry H.
“I have only had Walkin Motion for a couple of days and yesterday was the first day I wore them to work…. they were amazing!! I went home not feeling any pain in my knee’s, feet and back! I can’t wait to see how helpful they will be in the long run.”
Diane A
Carlyle, IL
James C
Strongstown, PA
“I have pain daily in my low back and hips. With Walkin Motion I can stand for longer periods of time with less pain.”
Barbara R
Red Bay, AL
Jilda H
Pleasant Grove, AL
“I have thyroid problems and have a lot of pain in my feet and legs. I found Walkin Motion in a flea market I figured what the heck I got them for my wife and I. My wife loved them right away. She is a nurse who one her feet 12 plus hours a day. On the other hand I was not so shore of them. So theist just slide into your shoes. I have struggled with this so I pulled out the inner soul put the insert in the soul on the top. This gave me a wider surface for my foot and now I’m a fan.”
Michael S
West Melbourne, FL
“I have been diagnosed with cartilage damage and arthritis in both knees – most evenings were spent with my legs up, knees on ice. I have worn my Walkin Motion for the 4 days that I have worked. My knees don’t hurt, there is still a spring in my step and I am active when I get home. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am – my golf game is about 8 strokes better than it was last summer.
I have been singing the praises of my Walkin Motion to all who will listen. I am ever grateful for your product.”
Frank H
New Jersey, NY
“I am a disabled veteran with constant lower back pain. Wearing these inserts have increased my ability to walk and stand for longer periods of time without significant increase in lower back pain.”
Adam Munro
New Braunfels, TX
Wendi Q
Warrior, AL
“I have wore these inserts for a week knot in back has went down. back pain has gone away and also knee pain gone, which has helped me sleep better, work better and feel tons better in general. Thank you Walkin Motion! recommended you to friends and family.”
Doris Burghduff
Ocala, FL
“I walk on hard tile floors all day long so Walkin Motion help with my Plantar Fasciitis. It went away a year ago when I was wearing my Walkin Motion regularly. It has come back so I am wearing them again.
My Plantar Fasciitis went away a year ago when I was wearing my Walkin Motion regularly. I have been wearing the last few weeks and my feet are feeling better.”
Wendy B
Las Vegas, NV
“What a difference! I didn’t think such a thin pad would be so helpful. My feet don’t ache, my calves aren’t as tired, and my plantar fasciitis pain has all but disappeared!”
Jessica Flaherty
Indianapolis, IN
Mrs. L. Taylor
“I have Fibromyalgia and standing, grooming all day is a killer… my feet always hurt.Immediately they relieved the pain. It was WONDERFUL!! I have tried every kind of insert out there and nothing feels even close to these and the lifespan is great too. I’m glad I found this product.”
Tim May
North Port, FL
“As a diabetic and international traveler I have suffered with swelling that became increasingly worse until I started using Walkin Motion insoles. Now when I arrive from long trips the swelling is barely noticeable.”
John M.
North Carolina
Lauren Dillon
Newport Center, VT
“I found Walkin Motion to be very comfortable and they have helped to reduce my lower back and hip pain. I walk 2 miles daily and noticed a significant difference since using the product. I immediately noticed the difference during the trade show. I am always skeptical with new products but Walkin Motion works!!”
Stanley Y
Nancy Spragons
Lebanon, KY
Norwood Standley
Trinity, TX
Daniel Tanner
Orlando, FL
“I am able to exercise without pain, as well as wear my dress shoes all day at work without feeling discomfort or having tired and achy feet at the end of the day!
I have mild plantar fasciitis with the beginnings of a bunion on the inside of each of my feet. After being on my feet at work or at the gym, I get sharp pains throughout each foot that make it uncomfortable to stand or walk for long periods of time. Running had become impossible.
After wearing the Walkin Motion inserts in my work shoes, I’m noticing no pain by the end of the day. Additionally, I work out 5 or more days per week and I’m not getting the sharp pain in my knees and throughout my feet after being on the treadmill for more than 5 minutes at a time!”
Caitlin C
Minneapolis, MN